Ryan Academy Independent Project
For the Independent Project, you may choose a topic of your choice. It might be a person, place, creature or thing. You should choose something you have not researched before. The specific details for this project are outlined below. The deadlines that are listed are FINAL and points will be deducted if deadlines are missed. You may work ahead of these deadlines if you wish.
1. Written Report (50%)The written report will include: a Title page, an Introduction, Answers to the Project Questions, a Conclusion, and a Reference Page.
FIVE (5) sources minimum need to be referenced using proper MLA style. You must use a minimum of TWO (2) text based sources, TWO (2) internet based sources and ONE (1) academic journal. ALL writing MUST be your own. You need to reference quotations properly.
Papers will be assessed using the rubric that is included in the packet. All note taking sheets and self- assessments need to be complete. This packet, including all note taking and drafts, will be turned in on the day of your presentation.
2. Creative/Artistic Component (30%)This is your opportunity to create an artistic piece, which supports your project. The possibilities for this component are endless. Some suggestions are: a play, poetry, a hand-constructed model, a painting, or drawings. A minimum of 3 hours of work is needed to create & refine a quality piece of work. This piece should be fun to do! It should help us to see how important this topic is to you. It is NOT a visual aide such as a poster or power point presentation.
3. Share & Teach: Oral Presentation with Visual Aide (20%)Each student will present their findings to the class. Care should be given to construct a presentation that is interesting and teaches other students about your topic. INVOLVING the class in your presentation is a good way to ensure they are learning. A visual aide, such as a poster or power point presentation, is required.
For the Independent Project, you may choose a topic of your choice. It might be a person, place, creature or thing. You should choose something you have not researched before. The specific details for this project are outlined below. The deadlines that are listed are FINAL and points will be deducted if deadlines are missed. You may work ahead of these deadlines if you wish.
1. Written Report (50%)The written report will include: a Title page, an Introduction, Answers to the Project Questions, a Conclusion, and a Reference Page.
FIVE (5) sources minimum need to be referenced using proper MLA style. You must use a minimum of TWO (2) text based sources, TWO (2) internet based sources and ONE (1) academic journal. ALL writing MUST be your own. You need to reference quotations properly.
Papers will be assessed using the rubric that is included in the packet. All note taking sheets and self- assessments need to be complete. This packet, including all note taking and drafts, will be turned in on the day of your presentation.
2. Creative/Artistic Component (30%)This is your opportunity to create an artistic piece, which supports your project. The possibilities for this component are endless. Some suggestions are: a play, poetry, a hand-constructed model, a painting, or drawings. A minimum of 3 hours of work is needed to create & refine a quality piece of work. This piece should be fun to do! It should help us to see how important this topic is to you. It is NOT a visual aide such as a poster or power point presentation.
3. Share & Teach: Oral Presentation with Visual Aide (20%)Each student will present their findings to the class. Care should be given to construct a presentation that is interesting and teaches other students about your topic. INVOLVING the class in your presentation is a good way to ensure they are learning. A visual aide, such as a poster or power point presentation, is required.