Mrs. Baier's English and Social Studies Class
Week 23: Feb 10th-Feb14thth
7th/8th GRADE English and Social Studies Homework: Assignments are due under the day that is mentioned. -Monday:N/A -Tuesday:-Write a cohesive paragraph using the words: Clamor, Trinket, Promote, Diagnose, Swivel -Wednesday:Explain the difference between weather and climate in 5 sentences -Thursday: -Create a 10 questions quiz about what we have learned in class. Make sure you have the answer key, too -Friday: Create a 10 question quiz about what we have learned in class. Make sure you have the answer key, too. Tests/Quizzes: English Test moved to Friday Feb 14th. Social Studies test moved to Tuesday Feb 18th Announcements: No school on Monday Feb 17th. Field trip on Tuesday Feb 25th. 5th/6th GRADE English and Social Studies Homework: Assignments are due under the day that is mentioned. -Monday:N/A -Tuesday: Write a cohesive paragraph using the words: stability, baffled, current, treaty, dislodge. -Wednesday: Create a poster reflecting what the Mayflower was about. -Thursday: Know it and Show it pg 116 -Friday: Read pg 74 and write 5 important observations from the map and text. Tests/Quizzes: English Test moved to Friday Feb 14th. Social Studies test moved to Tuesday Feb 18th Announcements: No school on Monday Feb 17th. Field trip on Tuesday Feb 25th. ![]()